Camp Runamok is a six-day adventure located in the heart of Bourbon country, inviting hospitality professionals for education and leasure. There is swimming, a library, spirit tastings, distillery tours and more. Funding for different cabins is provided by a variety of companies, and in 2022 I was brought out to do some sub-branding and art direction for all things Patrón-sponsored there.

The theme they selected for their cabin's occupants that year was Tequila Time Travelers. This involved the campers playing as hospitality professionals from the future capturing research by time-traveling to the early 2000s. I designed a logo for this group of intrepid travelers featuring a designated Patrón Green palette, which was embroidered onto patchs and lab coats, and also featured on the crew badges I made. It centers around a portal, lost in time and lost in space, shaped like the iconic tequila bottle.

The camp itself has a squirrel logo and icon, which I retooled to feature in signage for the pool party, which was themed around early 2000s emo music. We also had band tees from the era silk-screened with the logo available for participants to keep