This page contains various ideas that lead to my proposal for the internal rebrand while I worked at OFFSITE, an agency that builds accurate, relevant, and accessible educational resources and professional development programs with the bar community at their core. The owners of the company ultimately shelved the rebrand indefinitely until they could agree which direction the company should take after COVID hit. As a result of the project's cancellation, the proposal presented here is in parts and unfinished, but I have included it because I think it shows some fun and well thought-out ideas.

Ambigram & Playing Card Process Sketches

Early Explorations of Face Card Character

One of the two main directins I was pursuing for my proposal revolved around playing cards and inverses. Summing it up in short, OFFSITE engaged two distinct audiences, that of spirits corporations on one end and individuals of the bar community on the other. OFFSITE worked in tandem with both, translating messaging between and otherwise connecting the two. This duality eventually led me to playing cards, ambigram lettering with rotational symmetry, and ideas for a palette involving an inverted color pair. I started working on some illustated face card concepts involving a bartender flipside to an executive. I had grand plans to pursue business cards, stationary and packaging based on the playing card motif, but alas it was not to be.

Grid of Various Potential Fire/Liquid Symbols and Combinations

The other direction I had been devloping for the rebrand distilled the concept of OFFSITE's educational programs into a [Promethian] flame, representing a transfer of knowledge and skills. This is an early sketxh excerpt showing different representations of fire and liquid/glassware.

Early Type Explorations

Here is another process excerpt where I began playing with rotating the 'o' and setting it on fire. I started toying with the idea of an eye, aflame with knowledge, or perhaps the rim of some kind of glassware.

Stylistic O/Eye/Glass

Even More Stylistic O/Eye/Glass

I started having some fun pushing the illustrative style for eye/glass, and added a pupil/ice cube. Whatever specific iteration this icon became could have been used throughout branding and potentially used as a sort of character or mascot. I hadn't delved too far into that when the project was shuttered.

Early Storyboard of Eye Transforming into Drinking Glass

Early Glass Animation

I did some early storyboards and rough animations of the 'o' transforming between an eye and a glass, eventually aimed at use in websites, emails, and digital signage.

Process Sketch of Different Glassware

I also thought the kind of glass in question could easily vary for the start of a modular design system, iconography, or pattern use.

Eye Animations

Here are a couple more rough animations of the eye and fire.

Texture Rendering Idea feat Marker-Drawn Fire on Paper

Set of Logo Explorations

To close out what could have been a beautiful shinging beacon of branding, here is a random stylistic rendering that played with texture and the concept of fire and and markers (one of the only pieces of established brand equity the company already had was its use of red Sharpies). I also included another page of logo explorations. Even though there was no rebrand in the end, it was still a ton of fun to work on